Thinking ERP…
Still, a long way to go though…
Imagine an era where your ERP systems will be able to gather all relevant information on this related horizon and start giving you guidance on your data? We will work on that!
When I started learning AI and related topics almost 14 years ago, friends and colleagues were very curious about what I will be on to combining ERP and AI – Will it be possible to link these two entities?

Over a period of time, I realized that learning two different topics like ERP and AI eventually forces you to think of a bridge connecting these two but how – we are coming up with automation and optimization of ERP systems through AI processes and will make your system think and act rationally!

You will very soon see bots moving around busy within your systems to get the tasks done in a wink with agility and Intelligence
Imagine transactions will be thoroughly scrutinized for any anomalies and you get warnings and guidance as to what and how
Probably every amount in a PL or BS budget will be dissected and informed as to what it should be in the right way

All those are in the queue of tasks to be executed in the world of automation and optimization
So my dream of a thinking ERP still on …