Is Dynamics GP dead?

Should I Stay or Should I Go? — Dynamics GP Remix
Microsoft has made a lot of changes in the world of ERP recently. Perhaps most noticeably for Dynamics GP users was the move to a Modern Policy regarding its lifecycle and the renaming of the product to simply “Dynamics GP” (no year attached). They have also invested strongly in their migration tools to help existing Dynamics users move to Microsoft’s cloud ERP solution, Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Such clear moves to a cloud focus have left Dynamics GP users wondering about the future of their own product. Is Microsoft signalling an end to its support of Dynamics GP? Does this mean Dynamics GP is dead? Is cloud the only future for ERP?
The answer is a clear and resounding “NO!” Do not let anyone tell you differently.
Yes, Microsoft has shifted its focus to the cloud with future software development.
However, that does not change the fact that Dynamics GP as it exists today is still a workhorse of a solution.
The GP user group community is still thriving, and third-party vendors, while adding Business Central to their integration options, continue to support GP clients as well.
Need more proof? Check out the latest Dynamics GP Lifecycle, which shows — at minimum — support through 2028.
With the Modern Policy now in place, Microsoft plans to release minor updates to Dynamics GP three times a year. If GP users upgrade to one of the three yearly releases, they will be on a current version.
Does that sound like end of support to you? We did not think so either. Dynamics GP is not dead!
That said, not all users of Dynamics GP want to stay on-premises. Some are itching to move to the cloud and take advantage of the built-in AI capabilities cloud solutions are touting. The way we see it, existing users of Dynamics GP have three main options:
Stay on Dynamics GP (on premise)
Let us say it together, one more time: GP is not dead!
You can remain fully operational on Dynamics GP for several years to come. In fact, staying on Dynamics GP might be the best choice for companies who:
- Recently invested in new servers or just completed an expensive upgrade.
- Have a highly customized version of Dynamics GP.
- Are in a highly regulated industry where complete internal control of systems is vital.
- Need integrations that are not yet available in AppSource, Business Central’s version of ISV add-ons.
Microsoft’s Modern Lifecycle ensures that their support of Dynamics GP will continue for the foreseeable future.
In late 2020, nearly half of our existing clients are on Dynamics GP. Several are looking at the cloud, with some leaning towards a migration and others deciding to stay on-premises. Our experienced consultants can help implement and support either solution.
Move GP to Azure (hosted)
Maybe you are willing to try out a cloud option — if you can keep your on-premises system also. Perhaps you want the capabilities of cloud ERP but simply do not have the budget to make the move. Or maybe there are integration gaps or other technical issues that are stopping you from moving to a full Software as a Service (SaaS) solution.
In any of those three situations, moving Dynamics GP to Azure might be the perfect middle ground for you. Microsoft Azure is a hosted cloud solution that offers a hybrid option where you maintain your on-premises system but still benefit from cloud capabilities.
Migrate to Business Central (cloud)
Microsoft is continually improving its migration tools, making it easier than ever for existing Dynamics users — GP in particular — to transition to Dynamics 365 Business Central. Boyer & Associates has already helped several Dynamics GP companies move to Business Central successfully. Check out our blog on Moving Dynamics GP 2015 to the Cloud.
To sweeten the deal, Microsoft is offering free Business Central licenses to Dynamics on-premises customers who are within the 30-day window of their maintenance plan renewal. You do not have to use them right away, but if you are even considering a move to Business Central within the next 3 years, now is a great time to secure the licenses at no additional cost.
Of course, there are other cloud ERP solutions available, but if you are worried about your Microsoft ERP going away, chances are good that you like the solution and would opt to stick with the Microsoft brand.
Dynamics 365 Business Central is most closely related to Microsoft Dynamics NAV, but Dynamics GP users will recognize some of the navigation and capabilities. Plus, the solution integrates seamlessly with all other Microsoft products.
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